Latest news
- Warming weekend temps begin a move toward hotter 90-degrees readings later next week; soaking rains to remain a “no show” any time soon; record heat baking Texas with 120-degree heat indices fueling severe storms from the Plains into the Gulf States
- Isolated storms Saturday on an excessively hot weekend
- Class 4A state baseball: East Ridge edges Rosemount 1-0 to earn second state title since 2019
- Saints score seven in 10th, top Bats 8-3
- Records: Man accused of scamming St. Louis slots is cross-country cheater
- Vehicle stolen with child inside in St. Louis County; two arrested
- St. Louis steps up pedestrian safety after teen fatally struck on Chippewa Street
- Family of 14-year-old killed by Aurora police calls for answers, chief’s resignation
- Rickie Fowler’s wild ride gives him 1-shot lead in US Open
- Mom accused of murder after toddler strapped to booster seat for 15 hours